Cheeky Monkey Puppet

Cheeky Monkey Puppet 2
Cheeky Monkey Puppet
Steve Axtell with Cheeky Monkey 2
Steve Axtell with Cheeky Monkey

Orange Cheeky Monkey

Orange Cheeky Monkey Puppet
Steve Axtell with Orange Cheeky Monkey

THE CHEEKY MONKEY – The Cheeky Monkey puppet is a really fun, silly character that if a dream to operate.  This puppet features a very big mouth, easy to operate and has cute teeth. Hand enters at bottom.  Puppets can be ordered with or without a tail.  3 cheeky colors.

Hands are Wire Posable so he the monkey puppet can hold things and grab on!

Only $549.95 with lots of options!

Body Style:
Fur Color:
Tail Option:
Rod Arms:


Black & Brown Two-Tone Fur with white bottom, NO TAIL.Cheeky Monkey No Tail Option

Axtrax Pre-recorded routines
Check Out Our Axtrax Routines

What our customers have to say

"GREAT JOB!! Love the Cheeky Monkey...looks hillarious!!"
Bart Scott
"Cheeky Monkey is great! Keep up the great work - where would my business be without you!"
Dawn Shoots
"This is one of my favorite characters. The Cheeky Monkey is a really fun, silly character that if a dream to operate. It features a very big mouth, easy to operate and has cute teeth...and because of this unique mouth shape it is perfect for chimp like vocalizations like EEE, and OOO both!"
Dirk Golden